taucmdr package


Module contents

TAU Commander package initialization.

The first line of this file is the first thing to be executed whenever TAU Commander is invoked in any way. This module establishes global constants and checks the Python version. It should be as short and simple.

taucmdr.EXIT_FAILURE = -100

int: Process exit code indicating unrecoverable failure.

taucmdr.EXIT_SUCCESS = 0

int: Process exit code indicating successful operation.

taucmdr.EXIT_WARNING = 100

int: Process exit code indicating non-optimal condition on exit.

taucmdr.HELP_CONTACT = '<support@paratools.com>'

str: E-mail address users should contact for help.

taucmdr.PROJECT_DIR = '.tau'

str: Name of the project-level directory containing TAU Commander project files.

taucmdr.REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSIONS = [(2, 7), (3, 5), (3, 6), (3, 7)]

list of tuples: Required Python versions for TAU Commander.

A list of tuples (MAJOR, MINOR) directly comparible to sys.version_info

taucmdr.SYSTEM_PREFIX = '/home/runner/taucmdr/system'

str: System-level TAU Commander files.

taucmdr.TAUCMDR_HOME = '/home/runner/work/taucmdr/taucmdr'

str: Absolute path to the top-level TAU Commander directory.

This directory contains at least bin, docs, and packages directories and is the root for system-level package installation paths. Do not change it once it is set.

taucmdr.TAUCMDR_SCRIPT = 'sphinx'

str: Script that launched TAU Commander.

Mainly used for help messages. Do not change it once it is set.

taucmdr.TAUCMDR_URL = 'www.taucommander.com'

str: URL of the TAU Commander project.

taucmdr.TAUCMDR_VERSION = '0.0.0'

str: TAU Commander Version

taucmdr.USER_PREFIX = '/home/runner/.local/taucmdr'

str: User-level TAU Commander files.


Return a human readable text banner describing the TAU Commander installation.